Welcome to Perci Discuss!

Hello and thanks for joining us!

We created Perci Discuss as a shared and open forum for community members to discuss planning & development in their neighborhoods as well as explore ways it can be more equitable and inclusive. In our work, we kept seeing informal channels, like Facebook groups, being siloed and closed off to the public and even official channels, like public comment forms, not readily available for the public to learn what others are saying.

To promote better, healthier neighborhoods, we feel it’s important for there to be a range of ways for people to get involved with an eye towards engaging those who traditionally don’t participate in formal processes like public hearings and for processes to be as transparent as possible.

At the same time, we know these conversations are hard. For things to move forward in a direction that can benefit all, we think it’s critical for there to be true robust discussion and an evaluation of different scenarios. It’s not enough for feedback to be one-way to developers and public officials. Neighborhoods need to be co-created by everyday people. Not just those who live there today, but those who want to live there in the future.

We’re just getting started, so please browse around! If you have any suggestions on how we can improve, please share your thoughts on Site Feedback.